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+ 1 milhao de Km percorridos

Único Experiências de turismo desportivo

Descubra mais de 300 cidades em todo o mundo enquanto corre, caminha, em bicicleta ou em cadeira de rodas 

CES Innovation Award logo


Innovation Award de 2019

The benefits of physical activity

Sports and physical activity are essential for a happier, healthier, more productive, and creative work life. Our mission is to inspire people to become more active and integrate physical activity into their daily routines—benefiting not only themselves but also their companies and society as a whole.

JOOKS Sport Tourism app

Benefits for the employee

  • +3 years of life expectancy

  • +6 years of independent living

  • 30-34€ annual savings per person

JOOKS Sport Tourism app

Benefits for the company

  • 6-9% increase in productivity

  • 4-14% boost in profitability

  • 30-40% reduction in absenteeism

JOOKS Sport Tourism app

Benefits for society

  • 308-348€ in annual healthcare savings per person


JOOKS Pro is an app designed to empower you to exercise independently, promoting well-being and health through regular physical activity for everyone. With fun, engaging activities that foster social interaction, it makes staying active enjoyable.


JOOKS Pro is the perfect solution for enhancing your company’s focus on physical activity and well-being, while offering a turnkey approach to improving workplace quality of life and raising awareness of social and environmental responsibility.


Recognized with 18 international awards for its innovation and uniqueness, JOOKS Pro offers users three types of services to elevate their fitness journey.

JOOKS Sport Tourism app

Outdoor routes

JOOKS Pro offers a collection of outdoor audio-guided tours right outside your office and in locations worldwide, allowing you to discover new and exciting places while running, walking, cycling, or using a wheelchair.

JOOKS Sport Tourism app

Video-assisted exercises

JOOKS Pro provides users with easy yet effective video-guided exercises, integrated into our engaging tours and accessible anytime—whether you’re at the office, at home, or in a hotel room.

Well-being deals

JOOKS Pro users gain access to hundreds of exclusive offers on ethical, sports, health, and well-being products, helping to boost your workforce’s purchasing power.

JOOKS Sport Tourism app

Descobre mais de 1 300 percursos no mundo. Gratuitamente. 

Nos propomos percursos turisticos, tematicos ou de treino em mais de 200 cidades e 50 paises dos 5 continentes. O nosso objetivo é surpreender-te, fazer-te viver emoçoes, criares memorias. 

JOOKS Sport Tourism app
Audioguided running
Design Actif

Escolhe um percurso perto de ti e ouve o guia de vocal. 

Mete os teus auscultadores e deixa Runin'City guiar-te vocalmente de um ponto de interesse a outro, fazer comentarios sobre esses pontos, contar-te curiosidades e tocar playlists locais. Guarda o teu télémovel no bolso, concentra-te na tua corrida e aproveita a experiência. 

Descobre mais de 1 300 percursos no mundo. Gratuitamente. 

Nos propomos percursos turisticos, tematicos ou de treino em mais de 200 cidades e 50 paises dos 5 continentes. O nosso objetivo é surpreender-te, fazer-te viver emoçoes, criares memorias. 

Allergies Portuguese.png
Run green
JOOKS Sport Tourism app
JOOKS Sport Tourism app
JOOKS Sport Tourism app

Segue as tuas performances e ganha pontos

Nós fornecemos-te as estatísticas essenciais: distância, tempo, velocidade, ganho de elevação e calorias queimadas.

Se precisares de mais métricas, podes usar a tua aplicação habitual ao mesmo tempo e, claro, carregar os teus dados para Strava, Apple Health e GoogleFit.

Cada passo que dás também te dá pontos que podes trocar por recompensas ou por boleias grátis.

JOOKS for hotels

Reserva experiências

Podes reservar experiência especificamente seletionadas para os corredores a partir da aplicaçao: Hoteis incluidos nos percursos, placas de identificaçao de corrida, acompanhantes de running turistico, etc. 

JOOKS deals
JOOKS running walking cycling wheelwhairing

Corre em segurança

Nos guiamos-te em trajetos pré-definidos, fiaveis e "ecologicos": tens acesso ao nivel de poluiçao e alergias em cada percurso em tempo real antes de começar. 

Our mission

“Our goal is to inspire a desire for sports and physical activity and to make it a regular part of daily life for as many people as possible.”

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JOOKS pour Android
JOOKS pour iOS iPhone

13 quai du commerce - 6909 Lyon - France
Tel: +33 970 440 893 - Email

JOOKS Sport Tourism

Paris, Berlim, Londres, Bruxelas, Luxemburgo, Amsterdam, Genebra, Lisboa, Lyon, Tel aviv, Nova York, Washington d.c., Boston, Chicago, Miami, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, Vancouver, Rio de Janeiro, Havana, Sydney, Tokyo, Singapura, Seul, Marrakech, Cape Town, Buenos Aires. Ver lista completa

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